9 Mindfulness Techinques to Make You More Present in Your Life

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Practicing mindfullness is a full time job, here are 9 life-changing tips on how to be more present in your everyday life.

1. Enjoy the little things

Start finding small victories throughout your day. If you love what you have for lunch, enjoy it. See a blooming flower, take a picture of it. These things may seem little and insignificant, but it brings some happiness and positivity to your day- and sometimes you only need a little bit to brighten your mood.

2. Take time throughout the day to check in with yourself

It is so easy to breeze through your day without fully realizing it is happening. All of a sudden it is 6pm and you’re leaving work without any realization as to where the time went. Take small 2 minute breaks throughout the day to make sure you are being present minded. Just check in with yourself and take a second to look around you- you will be so surprised at how much this helps.

3. Practice mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness techniques are taking over the health and wellness world, and for good reason! Having a daily yoga routine, or even a daily meditation routine, really does keep you more focused on the current moment. Not only that, it will help wake you up if done in the morning, and makes you more productive. It really allows you to get right to work!

4. Look up

This is something I have started doing now and it has changed my life. Instead of staring down at my phone while walking from place to place, I start observing my surroundings. Walking to school the other day, a path which I have walked over 500 times, I noticed 5 new stores, 6 new apartment buildings, and countless other small details that I have not noticed before. Walking to my internship I noticed one of my favorite restaurants opened a location downtown. These are things you miss when you are losing yourself in social media. And once I get to where I am trying to go I am so much more focused and ready to tackle the day.

5. Listen to your mind and body

Try new things, like the ones I’m suggesting, but if they do not work for you- STOP DOING THEM! Everyone suggests new things to try, but not enough people tell about how important it is to stop something that isn’t helping. You need to listen to your body and mind and do the things that help you. If yoga isn’t your cup of tea, try pilates, or a barre class. If meditation isn’t helping, try reading a book or taking 5 minutes to listen to calming music. You will still get the benefits, it just won’t look like other people’s routine.

6. Eat Well

I am the biggest advocate for healthy eating. When I put good food into my body, you would not believe the difference in my attention span, ability to focus and enjoyment levels throughout the day. You may not realize it right now, but only eating mac and cheese or fast food really does make you feel worse. It makes it harder to deal with emotions like stress and anxiety, makes you tired and not want to do anything and will really affect your health in the long run.

7. Have a morning routine

This is something that I want to develop upon further in another post, but having a morning routine changed my life. It makes me so ready for the day and really increased my level of focus throughout the day. What really helped is it made me ready immediately when I got to work. I didn’t have those fuzzy 20 minutes of re-introducing myself to my desk and work, that I know we all have.

8. Don’t overthink your outfit

You knew I had to throw something fashion related in there! Something that I found really helps me stay focused throughout my day is if I don’t have to worry about my outfit. If I am wearing something I love and am comfortable in, it deletes all of the insecure thoughts that come from wearing something you aren’t 100% sure of. It’s one less thing you have to think about during the day, so you can really focus on every other moment.

9. Stop watching *as much* Netflix and YouTube

Ok, so I have an addiction to YouTube. If I have nothing planned for the day, I could literally spend 5 hours watching video after video. It is an old habit that I have been trying to get rid of for forever. But it really does make such a difference on being present. You become so in tune with the digital world that you can’t focus in your real one. This is the first thing I recommend to people when they say they feel they are rushing through their life. If you take only one thing from this post, this should be it! Try it for a week, limit your amount to an hour. Or only do it in 1 hour spurts. I’m telling you- LIFE CHANGING!

Shop the look below…

What are your mindfulness tips?
xoxo Gabriela


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